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MP3 Download Directory

Browser our audio directory and listen to whatever blesses you!  Topics are alphabetically organized.

New content is added to this directory regularly. So keep checking back for more life changing audio messages. 
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Categories: click on a link below and enjoy!

Catagory Topic: Current Events

COVID Vaccines and The Mark of The Beast
Are vaccines the mark of the best? In this message you will learn what  you need to know about vaccines and their connection to the Mark of the Beast. 

Messages of Revival Fire
 Do you need your passion to live for God renewed! Listen to this audio  message and get your fire for the Lord restored!

Catagory Topic: The Love of God.

Love of God (5 part Series)
 Love never fails! If you have a failure in your life you can fix it and live in  success by living a life of love. Listen to this  4  part series and learn how  to love and live in victory in every area of life.

How To Always Be Victorious
In this lesson you will learn how to always be victorious in every circumstance of life. Even when people, places, and things fail around you, you can stand in victory with a strong spiritual house that can not be shaken!

Catagory Topic: Evangelism

Miracle Evangelism Training (4 Part Series)
  Would you like to be able to walk up to someone you have never met  before  and see them miraculously healed? In this 4 part series you will   learn how to  get people healed through the power of Christ and lead  them  to confessing   Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior!

Prophetic Evangelism Training (2 Part Series)
Would you like to be able to know details about someone's life that you could only know because God showed you? You can demonstrate that God  is real to the lost by revealing
the secrets of their heart and lead them to faith in Christ!

Learn To Share The Gospel In Spanish
Would you like to be able to lead someone to Christ in Spanish? Listen to  this audio tool and learn how to lead someone to Christ in Spanish!

Praying For Hard Hearted People 
Do you have friends or family how are running from God? In this message you will learn how to pray for them so they will run to God and not from God. 

What's Stopping You?
We all experience difficulties and circumstance with will try to stop you from being a witness for Christ. In this lesson I cover five obstacles that may try to stop you from sharing your faith in Christ and how you can over come those obstacles.

Be Ready To Give An Answer
We all experience difficulties and circumstance with will try to stop you from being a witness for Christ. In this lesson I cover five obstacles that may try to stop you from sharing your faith in Christ and how you can over come those obstacles.

Abide In Him
In this lesson you will learn about the importance of abiding in Christ and allowing His love to flow through your life to reach the lost and hurting with Christ's love and power!

Catagory Topic: Fulfilling The Will of God.

Hearing From God with Confidence
In this lesson you will learn how to hear from God for yourself and follow His plan for your life.

Guidance You Can Trust
In this lesson you will learn about the importance of developing the daily habits of Bible Study and praying in the Spirit to sharpen your ability to hear from the Holy Spirit and be lead by Him in all the circumstances of life!

The Greatest Thing I Ever Learned.
If you could figure out doing one thing in life that would assure you are always doing the right thing and experiencing success would you like to know what that is? In this lesson I talk about the greatest thing I ever learned and how it has allowed me to stay in the center of God's will for my life to the degree that I have applied it in my life.

Fulfilling God's Will For Your Life 
The Bibles teach we are all created with a specific purpose in life. Do you  want find out what God has called you to do and how to do it? Listen to  this message. 

How To Maintain Your Fire
In this audio lesson you will learn how to maintain your zeal and excitement in serving the Lord, and how to avoid burn out. 

It's Time To Get Ready For Harvest
In this audio lesson you will learn fundamental steps how to prepare yourself and your church for a greater harvest of souls.

Catagory Topic: Receiving Healing

God wants You Well.
In this lesson you will learn that it's always God will to heal you. Christ never refused to heal or forgive anyone and He is willing to heal and forgive you too!

The Blind shall See!
In this lesson you will learn the importance of never letting circumstances or people stop you from receiving what you need from God.

Just One Touch From The Master's Hand.
In this  teaching you will learn about the doctrine of the laying on of hands and the  importance of maintaining a solid foundation of healing.

Healing Rescue
In this 5 part series you will learn how to receive healing from God for your physical body.

Help To Be Healed (2 Part Series)
 In this two part series of messages you will learn about how to remove  common obstacles to receiving healing from sickness and disease.

Removing Road Blocks To Ministering Healing
In this audio teaching you will learn how to protect your mind and heart from the lies of the devil that would try to hinder you from fulfiling your God given potential in Christ to minister to others like Christ did . 

Believe and Be Healed
In this message you will learn about some of the hinderances to healing and how to over come those hinderances to receiving healing.

There's Power In The Name of Jesus
in this audio message you will learn about the saving, healing, and life changing power only found in the name of Jesus!

Catagory Topic: The Holy Spirit

Help To Speak In Tongues
Do you want to speak in tongues? In this audio teaching you will discover keys to be free from hinderances to speaking in tongues and learn how you can be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. 

Catagory Topic: Self Help.

Change Your Life For Good
This is an interactive audio tool to help you renew your mind  to who you are in Christ. Get rid of self-doubt,  live in confidence, and be empowered to fulfill the will of God for your life. 

Freedom From Anger
Do you struggle with a bad temper? This interactive audio is the perfect mind renewal tool to help you change the direction of your life and be free from  habitual outbursts of  of anger.

Freedom From Sexual Sin
Do you struggle with sexual sin? Listen to this interactive audio tool to  help walk in freedom from lust.

Catagory Topic: King Televison 

King Television audio recordings of TV broadcasts
Be encouraged and inspired in as you listen to these high energy audio recordings of my latest broadcast's on King Television airing in India, Africa, and the middle east.

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